🌸[美食 Food]🌸

來到了宜蘭礁溪🏞, 必吃的美食就是著名的窯烤雞🐔,查詢了google的美食後,發現距離不遠處就有一家評價很高的窯烤雞🐔 => <<天下第一窯烤雞>>, 老闆娘💁🏻‍♀️很熱情的幫我們把脆皮分離好, 吃下去果然, 雞肉🐔都不會柴柴的, 而且皮很好吃, 配上特調的檸檬醬汁🍋, 吃的時候讓你完全不會有油膩的感覺, 對了, 另外推薦點的炒空青菜🥬和竹筍, 用大火下去快炒的技巧出來的味道是家裡煮👨‍🍳不出來的(我是指我而已拉 哈), 最後還招待他們自製的泡菜(另外還有瓶裝的,喜歡可以一起帶回家,當伴手禮也不錯) lucky~🤗

When I came to Jiaoxi, Yilan, the must-eat food is the famous kiln roast chicken. After checking the google food, I found that there is a highly rated kiln roast chicken not far away 🐔 => <>, the proprietress 💁🏻‍♀️ is very enthusiastic to help us separate the crispy skin. Sure enough, the chicken 🐔 will not burn, and the skin is delicious, with a special lemon sauce 🍋, When you eat it, you won’t feel greasy at all. By the way, I also recommend some fried vegetables and bamboo shoots. The taste that comes out of the skill of sautéing on a high fire is not cooked at home 👨‍🍳 (I mean I'm just laha), and finally served their homemade kimchi (there are also bottled ones, you can take them home together if you like, and it's good as a souvenir) lucky~🤗

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