🌸[旅遊 Travel]🌸 每次親子👩‍👦旅遊,

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🌸[旅遊 Travel]🌸

每次親子👩‍👦旅遊, 一定會來的博物館🎫行程 => 國立海洋生物博物館, 登登🌸, 今天有完完整整看到白鯨的表演, 小朋友說超可愛的, 還有每次必拍的大型水族缸, 尤其夏天時候, 中央戲水區的抹香鯨🐋+小水池可是很消暑的呢~~🌸

I would definitely come to the museum🎫Itinerary => National Museum of Marine Science every time for a parent-child👩‍👦 travel🌸. Today, I saw a wonderful performance of the Beluga. My son said she is super cute. In addition, there is a good photo-scene place, the sperm whales in the central playing area + small pools, especially in summer🌸

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