🌸[旅遊 Travel]🌸

在湖畔料亭和動物園旁邊🦒, 有一家古早味小店🪀-豐賀伴手, 裡面有一些古早味的餅乾, 配合日式的建築, 整個很有日本夏日祭典的感覺, 吃著古早味冰淇淋🍦還有買了一個小竹槍玩具+海苔煎餅, 配合外面的自動吹泡泡機器, 整個心情很美麗(而且在裡面有強力冷氣, 重點🤗) , 再往前走有文創市集, 很多小物都很想帶回家🥰, 可以好好逛逛喔🌸

Next to the lakeside pavilion and the zoo, there is an old-taste shop -Toyoga Banshou, which contains some old-taste biscuits, with Japanese-style architecture, the whole feels like a Japanese summer festival, eating the ice cream🍦and I bought a small bamboo gun toy + seaweed pancake, with the automatic bubble blowing machine outside, the whole mood is very beautiful (and there is a strong air-conditioning inside, it is the key point🤗), and then there is a cultural and creative market , wanna take them home🥰, so you can take a good stroll 🌸

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